Thursday, May 08, 2008

Tom Waits Taps Omar Torrez

highwayscribery thought the news that guitarist Omar Torrez would be playing for Tom Waits on the upcoming "Glitter and Doom" tour of the United States and Europe worthy of time and space.

Some of you know that Omar and the scribe collaborate on a project entitled "Vedette Does La Danza," which couples this writer's novel "Vedette" to Torrez' stunning flamenco artistry.

As for Waits, suffice it to say, he has been a fixture on the American art scene since the 1970s. We say "art" scene, because although he is a musician and songwriter of note, Tom has also successfully transcended genres diverse as opera writing and acting.

He is that rare character who never seems obligated to compromise yet somehow holds the limelight with his truly unique voice and we are especially excited, though not surprised, about his choice of Torrez.

Read about it at Omar's My Space Page where a video of Waits announcing the tour at a faux press conference can be viewed.

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