According to the Humane Society of America, all of you readers at highwayscribery have helped a lot to prevent the slaughter of wild horses for sale to foreign markets.
They say, “Dear highwayscribery, Thanks to your amazing work over the past several months, we have made unprecedented progress to protect nearly 100,000 American horses from being slaughtered for human consumption overseas...”
That’s a lot of slaughter and horsemeat.
To hear these good folks tell it, our prior protests and requests for help (“Horsemeat,” Oct. 22) helped carry the day (one day this past week) and turn “highwayscribery” into a name almost as universal around Washington D.C. as “Scooter.”
They say the House-Senate conference committee kept the amendment in the agricultural bill that highwayscribery wanted and that these precious animals will not be killed to pad the wallets of American ranchers and stomachs of French bistro-goers.
Of course, as such things go, the battle is perpetual and the Humane Society would like you to support two bills - HR 504 and S 1915 - that would make the ban on horse slaughter a permanent thing so that next year, instead of disputing this issue, we can worry about health care and free higher education for “our kids.”
Click here and the Humane Society will show you the way to make your voice heard:
The animals say “thanks.”
They say, “Dear highwayscribery, Thanks to your amazing work over the past several months, we have made unprecedented progress to protect nearly 100,000 American horses from being slaughtered for human consumption overseas...”
That’s a lot of slaughter and horsemeat.
To hear these good folks tell it, our prior protests and requests for help (“Horsemeat,” Oct. 22) helped carry the day (one day this past week) and turn “highwayscribery” into a name almost as universal around Washington D.C. as “Scooter.”
They say the House-Senate conference committee kept the amendment in the agricultural bill that highwayscribery wanted and that these precious animals will not be killed to pad the wallets of American ranchers and stomachs of French bistro-goers.
Of course, as such things go, the battle is perpetual and the Humane Society would like you to support two bills - HR 504 and S 1915 - that would make the ban on horse slaughter a permanent thing so that next year, instead of disputing this issue, we can worry about health care and free higher education for “our kids.”
Click here and the Humane Society will show you the way to make your voice heard:
The animals say “thanks.”
On December 15 at 33 1/3 Books & Collective, corner of Sunset Blvd. and Alvarado, the scribe will read from "Vedette or Conversations with the Flamenco Shadows." Here's a review of it: http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/margin/nonficSellmanVedette.html. He will be accompanied by the wonderful guitarist Omar Torrez http://www.omartorrez.com/
Yes, I tell about your site to my relatives, and they say is beautiful. Thank you.
Thanks for all the cool horse . You'll have to stop by www.horseoutlet.com sometime!
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