Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Little Ado About Mucha Nothin'

the highwayscribery staff is taking a break tonight given that few people have checked out the most recent posts.

Two small orders of business however: the scribe gets a kick out of king george "taking responsiblility" for the loss of New Orleans. The people and the press, two pillars of democracy he has little use for, have already credited the disaster to (w).

Karl Rove should burst his bubble and tell him.

Again, if you have a book store or retail outlet and would like to host a reading by the scribe, of certain passages is "Vedette," to the fine flamenco groove guitar of Omar Torrez www.omartorrez.com, please let us know through a comment or an e-mail (click on the little envelope at the bottom of a post). Our tentative date is November 18.

Good night.

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